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From puppies to full-grown dogs, K-9 Specialists provides expert dog obedience training in Ocala, FL. Our dog training services welcome all breeds, including German Shepherds. Although dogs don’t talk like we humans do, they still communicate. An experienced dog trainer understands how canines of different breeds communicate with humans, helping foster a loving bond with their owner. Once a K-9-to-human bond is established, your dog will not only be obedient but will also be your best friend for life.

Dog Training Services

Our puppy and advanced obedient training camp is a serene, safe, secure  20-acre property in Ocala, FL. Our Central Florida location makes it convenient for clients throughout Florida, Daytona Beach, Gainesville, Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, and Tampa Bay to experience the success of a dog obedience training program customized for their canine. In addition, we offer a variety of dog training services, including:

  • Advanced Obedience
  • Basic on-leash obedience
  • Environmental Exposure
  • In-Home transition
  • Puppy training
  • Socializing Skills
  • Swimming

Obedience Training for Pure-Bred German Shepherds

Obedience training for European pure-bred German Shepherds is not just our specialty but was K-9 Specialists’ first dog training service. German Shepherds are one of the most intelligent dog breeds that are incredibly loyal and very protective of their owner. We take pride in having the ability to help owners bond with this particular breed, from our puppy training to advanced obedience programs for house pets, sports, and security.

Puppy Training Camp

In addition to being house-broken, your puppy will respond to simple on-leash commands (in your language choice) to sit, down, heel, and come in our 5-week sleepover camp. Upon completion, you will receive a 30-minute one-on-one consultation with the trainer before leaving the center with your house-broken puppy.

Advanced Obedience Training

Advanced obedience training is for German Shepherds and other breeds that have graduated from basic training. This highly customized and intensive program teaches your dog to adapt to environmental noises and remain obedient while off-leash. We also provide specialized training for service dogs, sports dogs, and protection.

For more information about the dog obedience training we offer in the Ocala, FL area, please contact us at 720-320-4760. We specialize in, and offer advanced obedience training for, German Shepherds.

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